Welcome to Bree's Blog
This is an interactive page allowing you to comment on Bree’s writings and quotes. We’ll be posting a variety of her published ones here for your thoughts.
Here's what we ask:
Bree doesn’t like Bullying. She strongly stood against it. So, let’s play nice.
These are Bree’s original works. They are copyrighted. We share freely and so can you. Please give her the credit because it’s hers and her legacy.
Bree loved to hear ALL points of view. You never know how much you can learn by just listening.
As we comment on how we interpret our loving Bree’s writings, if you don’t agree, don’t comment under them. It’s just that simple. We play by Bree’s rules here.
Bree sends big hugs, big Bree smiles and all her love.
We look forward to reading ALL of your interpretations! We ARE Bree Nation!
We love our Bree Framily!